Spring Forward California!

Why do we still have Daylight Savings in California?

“The sun is but a morning star.” – Henry David Thoreau

Daylight Savings California

March 12, 2023– Ok Cali, it’s time to spring forward, finally!

You may be wondering, “Didn’t we vote to end Daylight Savings Time with Prop 7 in 2018?”

YES. We did. It passed by a vote of 60%. And still, almost 5 years later we are springing forward again. To be honest, I don’t mind the forward part, but then “fall back”, you’ve got to admit, is dreadful.

As a matter of fact, changing the clock has been proven scientifically to be unhealthy and dangerous. Studies show a slight uptick in fatal heart attacks and even car accidents directly following time changes. Ironically, it’s springing forward that’s unhealthy, albeit welcome. Not only do we lose an hour of sleep, but sunlight closer to bedtime doesn’t allow the brain enough time to prepare for sleep.

In God’s perfect Universe, sunlight exposure is determined by Earth’s relative position to the Sun. With each rotation and revolution, it sets our body clock (circadian rhythm) no matter where we live. If it’s healthier to leave our time zone permanent, then why not put the matter to rest?

Furthermore, why are we still enduring Daylight Savings Time if we voted it out?

Red tape. Although Prop 7 passed and was submitted to the State Assembly, it “died” in committee. In other words, it didn’t make it past the State Assembly and Senate, not to mention, Congress.

Having said that, we may need an act of God to see it through!

So, what can we do?

Contact your State Assembly Member, say you want Permanent Standard Time, or if you’re a DST fan, say you want Permanent Daylight Savings Time.

Each California Assembly Member has their own email. Contact the Assembly Member for your area or The California Assembly Committee on Utilities and Energy at: https://autl.assembly.ca.gov. Physical address: LOB Room 408, Sacramento, CA. 95814.

For California State Senate and Congress Members: https://www.senate.ca.gov and https://www.congress.gov.

*Note to our California State Assembly, Senate and Congress Members: Thank you in advance for pushing forth on Prop 7, to create a permanent time zone in California. Whether for it or against it, please consider the Sun’s true position at high noon. Thank you for your service.*

For now California, SPRING FORWARD!

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